the Book of the Life and Wonders of Brother Guido.


May Allah (The Benevolent) please forgive me for what I shall now inscribe, but I give my oath that it is the truth....however, I sometimes question my recollection.

Though I am still somewhat skeptical of the "divine" nature of what transpired....I can only relay what I have witnessed with mine own eyes.  Inshala.   It has been several years since my many travels west to the lands of the infidels and my I feel I should document this account before my mind becomes addled with age. On one of these caravans I witnessed a most interesting albeit disturbing phenomenon.

During the second season with the unclean a most horrible and deadly plague came forth.  Being of the rightly guided and with the blessing of Allah (The Merciful) I and my companions were spared this devastation.  As we approached a great mountain known as Crega we happened upon a small hovel.  Wanting to trade goods for a few sheep with which to feast we happened upon an entire family devastated by this black affliction.  My companions wanting to hastily depart with the sheep implored me to leave but I AM NO THIEF.  I decided to leave a few coins at the door knowing the family was no more, but we were all wrong.  From inside the dwelling, amid the stench and death a small, very weak voice implored....."please".  Though none of my companions would enter I said "Mashallah" and recited the ninety-nine names very quickly and went in search of the voice.

Amid the dank stench-filled death chamber I found a very young boy and his mother still clinging to life.  I hastily removed them and brought them into the sun only to find them very far in the clutches of the dark angel.  We found a stream and cleaned their bodies (ours as well) and began to treat the affliction as we do in our country, but it was of no use.  Their constitutions were weak and their will was all but gone and all we could do was watch their demise.  We kept them comfortable and clean and continued on our way.  As we approached the Mountain near a place held holy by the local peoples known as Venassi strange tales of a wild monk that had strange powers started to reach our ears.  Saddened by the prospect of the deaths of the two innocents we left our route and decided to seek this strange monk out.

We found the place where he was reported to reside and sought him out.  We called to him and searched the area but to no avail.  The life was drifting from the eyes of the boy when I started to prepare them for paradise when a strange, oddly resonate voice spoke out "Bring them to me.".  My companions thought it was the voice of Allah (Yasuphan (The Old God)) and came forward with blades drawn to release the poor suffering creatures.  I quickly reminded them that Allah (The Righteous) would never speak in the tongue of the Infidels....not even in their own land.  It had to be the voice of the Mad Monk.  Looking about to see the source I saw a movement in the boughs of a large tree.  Quickly we moved the two souls beneath the tree and it started to rain a peculiar amber rain.  The odd thing was that it only rained under the tree.  It ended as quickly as it began and after a long sigh the voice returned.  "Bring them back tomorrow and they will be healed."  It was most miraculous....their suffering almost immediately was lessened and the sores started receding.  I held watch over them throughout the night amazed at what I was witnessing.  The next morning we followed a line of ladies going to the tree to pay homage and bring food.  After they were blessed by the monk with various ointments (I could not see the source but imagine it was stored in the tree due to the copious amounts distributed) we brought our charges forward and once again they were anointed with the healing rain.  And as Allah (The Truthful) is my witness.....they were cured and at last word were living well in the area.

Though it is known to no one but Allah (The All Seeing) I made travel again to Venassi before leaving the land of the infidels.  The Mad Monk was no more but various relics were being touted as being of Brother Guido and possessing the same curative powers.  I purchased several articles to bring back to our wise men and gave one third of my wealth to the Abbey and one third to the Woman and Boy.  I was approached with several curious tests and having passed them all I humbly give my testimony.

From my pen to Allah (The All Knowing)

Sa'ad ibn Yusuf al Hilal
Servant of Allah (The All Powerful)
Warrior of the Crescent
Leader of the Green Caravan

Any, having witnessed a manifestation of the
wonders attributed to Brother Guido is requested to
present their witness to the Grand Master  

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